Activision Faces Allegations Of Bias Against Older White Male Employees

  • Celeste Melville
  • Jan 08, 2024
  • 131
Activision Faces Allegations Of Bias Against Older White Male Employees

Recently, chilling accounts have emerged after Activision dismissed Bobby Kotick from his role as CEO. A barrage of allegations involving sexism and racism have surfaced from both former and current developers. Further compounding these issues, a recent report indicates that Activision's discriminatory practices may not have been confined to specific minority groups.

According to a report by Law360, a former executive at Activision is considering legal action against the company, alleging age discrimination and breaches of California's whistleblower protection statutes.

The legal action is being pursued by a 57-year-old technology executive who worked for Activision from 2014 until the summer of 2023. The lawsuit contains allegations that at a corporate leadership event, Kotick suggested that one of the company's challenges was an overabundance of "old white guys." Post-Kotick's remarks, it is claimed that two white executives departed from Activision. As the plaintiff vied for one of their vacant positions, he was overlooked in favor of a younger, non-white candidate. According to the plaintiff, this new supervisor fostered a hostile work environment, unfairly criticized his performance, and restricted his merit-based pay increase for that year.

Additionally, the lawsuit contends that a female co-worker lodged a grievance with the human resources department, asserting that her merit-based pay increase was decreased by the same supervisor in response to unfounded defamatory remarks.

When the plaintiff requested an independent investigation into his allegations, he claimed his requests were disregarded and not treated with due seriousness.
In seeking reparations, the plaintiff aims to recover compensation for lost income, hindered career progression, damage to his reputation, emotional suffering, and unjust dismissal.


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