Facebook to Lay Off 11,000 Employees

  • Felix Langford
  • Nov 09, 2022
  • 485
Facebook to Lay Off 11,000 Employees

It was a tough year for social media giant Facebook. Amidst a string of controversies, the company is now facing another big challenge: layoffs. According to a report, Facebook is planning to cut a whopping 11,000 jobs - that's around 13% of its workforce. The job cuts will be across the board, affecting both salaried and contract employees.

The job cuts will affect mostly employees who work in the company's sales and marketing divisions. Facebook said it would also reduce its headcount in other areas, including human resources, legal, and finance.

The move is a major shift for Facebook, which has built its business by getting people to share information publicly. But in recent years, the company has been increasingly focused on private messaging and other forms of communication that are not as easily accessible to advertisers.

The move comes as Facebook is looking to cut costs and refocus its business. The company has been under pressure to improve its profitability, and this seems to be one way it's trying to do that.

Probably one of the reasons for the cuts is criticism of Facebook over its handling of user data and its role in spreading misinformation. In recent years, Facebook has often been involved in such scandals and has been losing its audience en masse. This may be one of the reasons why the company is now trying to reduce the number of areas in which it is working and focus on secure private messaging.

It's not clear exactly how the job cuts will affect Facebook's business, but it's certainly not a good sign. The company is already facing a lot of challenges, and this will only add to them.

We'll have to wait and see how this all plays out, but one thing is for sure: it's going to be interesting times for Facebook and Meta.

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