Twitter Introduces New Way to Democratize Blue Tick Verification

  • Celeste Melville
  • Apr 05, 2023
  • 450
Twitter Introduces New Way to Democratize Blue Tick Verification

Twitter recently announced that ‘legacy’ blue checkmarks would be removed from April 1st, with reports suggesting that the process would take time due to the manual removal of the blue ticks. However, Twitter has come up with a new way to democratize the blue tick verification process.

The blue tick verification process is one way for Twitter to verify the authenticity of a user account. Previously, this verification was done with the blue checkmark, which was seen as a “status symbol” by some users. To democratize the process and make it more accessible to the average user, Twitter has introduced the “Verified Account” label. This label is now visible on user profiles and can be used to show that an account is authentic and is run by a real person.

The new “Verified Account” label is different from the previous blue checkmark as it does not give the user any special privileges or status. It simply serves as an indicator that the account is authentic and is run by a real person. It also provides an additional layer of security for users, as it helps to prevent malicious actors from impersonating real people.

The new “Verified Account” label is available to any user that meets certain requirements, such as having a verified phone number, email address, and profile photo. It can also be used by organizations, businesses, and public figures to show that their accounts are authentic.

Do you think this is a good move by Twitter? Let us know in the comments below.

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